اخبار الهجرةالهجرة الى كندادليل الهجرةفرص حصرية
4 طرق للهجرة الي كندا
بشكل بسيط هنوضح 4 طرق للهجرة الي كندا
Graduate from Canadian College or University. You will need to get a Study Permit : LINK
After graduation, you will need to apply for your Work Permit: LINK
2) Get a Job Offer, employer sponsorship stream.
As an employer, obligations to temporary foreign workers: LINK
You will need LMIA or A Labour Market Impact Assessment: LINK
3) Immigrant Investor Program: LINK
4) Express Entry: How Express Entry works: LINK
لحساب درجاتك
Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) tool: LINK
Express Entry rounds of invitations: LINK