الكفالة الكنسية في كندا
الكفالة الكنسية هى برنامج للهجرة إلى كندا عن طريق اللجوء ولكن بكفالة أحد الكنائس فى كندا التى تتعهد بكفال اللاجئ لمدة عام ولكن لا تددفع الكنسية حق الرعاية ، ولكن يدفعها أحد الأشخاص المقيمين فى كندا شرط أن يكون حاصلا على الإقامة الدائمة أو حاصلا على الجنسية الكندية ، طبقاً لشروط معينة , حتى تستطيع الكنسية كفالة شخص لابد أن يقوم شخص يحمل إقامة كندا أو جنسيتها بتمثيل الشخص الراغب فى اللجوء إلى كندا أمام الكنسية ثم يقدم الشخص للكنسية مبلغ مالى يتفق عليه لإعالة هذا الشخص لمدة عام كامل.
تابعنا على الفايسبوك
صفحة عرب كندا
عناوين الكنائس والمنظمات التي تقبل طلبات اللجوء الكنسي
Directory of Saskatchewan churches
Canada. Saskatoon
45th Street West 600
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5W9
phone: 306 6531633
Anglican church
Canada. Hudson
:Send paper submissions to
The Revs. Steve & Julie Golding Page
Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0
Good Shepherd Chaldean Church
Canada. Toronto
Chaldean Way 2
High Meadow Place
Toronto, ON M9L 2Z5
Tel: 4167465816
Christ Church Cathedral
Canada. Vancouver
Burrard Street 690
Vancouver BC V6C 3L1
Phone: 6046823848
mc dougall united Church
Canada. Alberta
Macdonald Dr NW 10025
Edmonton AB
James United Church
Canada. Montréal
rue City Councillors Montréal H3A 2E4 1435
Phone: 5142889245
Church of Scientology
Canada. Winnipeg
Garry Street 315
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2G7
Central Church of Christ
Canada. Winnipeg
St. Mary’s Road 170
Winnipeg, MB R2H 1H9
Phone: 2044756462
Saint Patrick’s Basilica
Nepean Street, Ottawa K1R 5G2 281
Phone: 6132331126
The Church of Jesus Christ
Canada. Quebec
,Boulevard MarieVictorinLongueuil
Quebec, J4G 1A4Canada
(AAO) Afghan Association of Ontario
Pemican Court, Unit 6 29
North York, ON
M9M 2Z3
Afghan Women’s Counseling and Integration Community Support Organization
Don Mills Road, Suite 312 789
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
Anba Abraam’s Coptic Charity
Eglinton Avenue W 1250
Mississagua, ON
L5V 1N3
Anglican Diocese of British Columbia
Vancouver Street 900
Victoria, BC
V8V 3V7
Anglican Diocese of Calgary – Refugee Support Group
Arbour Wood Close NW 79
Calgary, AB
T3G 4A9
Anglican Diocese of Edmonton
Street NW 103 – 10035
Edmonton, AB
T6J 0X5
Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Quinpool Road 6017
Halifax, NS
B3K 5J6
Anglican Diocese of Toronto Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto / Anglican United
(AURA) Refugee Alliance
St. Clair Avenue E 2723
Toronto, ON
M4B 1M8
Anglican Synod of The Diocese of New Westminster
Georgia Street W 580401
Vancouver, BC
V6B 5A1
Archiepiscopal Corporation of Regina
Broad Street N 445
Regina, SK
S4R 2X8
Armenian Community Centre of Toronto
Hallcrown Place 45
Willowdale, ON
M2J 4Y4
Asmaro Chaldean Society
Stoneybrook Crescent 1621
Windsor, ON
N9G 2Z4
Babylon Ethnic Society, Incorporated
McCormack Road 1052
Saskatoon, SK
S7M 5K2
Berhan Semay Church of Toronto
Bloor Street, East 345
PO Box 72616
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3S9
Calgary Ethiopian Community Association
Avenue SW 12 223 201
Calgary, AB
T2R 0G9
Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
The East Mall 304 100
Etobicoke, ON
M9B 6E2
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Suite 1100, 500 – 11 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2R 1M7
Canadian Hearts Across Borders Association
P.O. Box 81014
McLeod Park
Street NW 1571566
Edmonton, Alberta
T5Y 2C0
Canadian International Immigrant and Refugee Support Association
Street 107 10584
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2Y6
Canadian Lutheran World Relief
E 10
Avenue 80
New Westminister, BC
V3L 4R5
Canadian Unitarian Council
Dupont Street 100344
Toronto, ON
M5R 1V9
.Carrefour d’immigration rurale inc
Case postale 2143
rue de l’École ,76
E7E 2M7
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
Carrier Drive, Suite 100 30
Toronto, ON
M9W 5T7
.Christie Refugee Welcome Centre Inc
Christie Street 43
Toronto, ON
M6G 3B1
Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches
Manawagonish Road 1655
Saint John, NB
E2M 3Y2
Corporation archiépiscopale catholique romaine de SaintBoniface
avenue Taché 622
Winnipeg, MB
R2H 2B4
Diocese of Hamilton
King Street W 700
Hamilton, ON
L8P 1C7
East Kootenay Friends of Burma
Avenue S 8 404
Cranbrook, BC
V1C 2L2
Emmanuel Free Reformed Church
Refugee Program
49A Avenue 21761
Langley, BC V3A 6C4
Episcopal Corporation of Saskatoon
c/o Ellen Erickson
East Place 222
Saskatoon, SK S7J 2X9
Eritrean Canadian Community Association of Calgary
Apt # 318, 223, 12 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2R 0G9
Ethiopian Association in the Greater Toronto Area & Surrounding Regions
Danforth Avenue 1950
Toronto, ON
M4C 1J4-
Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Ottawa
McClellan Road 225
Ottawa, ON
K2H 8N5
Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Toronto
Pape Avenue 746
Toronto, ON
M4K 3S7
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Debre Selam Medhan Alem of Edmonton
Street NW 124 11403
Edmonton, AB
T5M 0K4
First Alliance Church
Street SE 40 12345
Calgary, AB
T2Z 4E6
Governing Council of the Salvation Army
Overlea Blvd 2
Toronto, ON
M4H 1P4
Grace Communion International – Canada
George Street 42
Russel, ON
K4R 1C2
His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Canada/Focus Humanitarian
Assistance Canada
Don Mills Road, Suite 201 789
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
Hohite Semay St Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church
Irmin Street 5730
Burnaby, BC
V5J 1Y9
Humanity First
Bowes Road, Unit #1 245
Concord, ON
L4K 1H8
Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services
Mumford Road 6960
Halifax, NS
B3L 4P1
Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
Huron Church House
Queens Avenue 190
London, ON
N6A 6H7
Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Niagara
Anglican Church of Canada
Beddoe Drive 98100
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Z2
Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ontario
Johnson Street 90
Kingston, ON
K7L 1X7
Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa
Bronson Avenue 71
Ottawa, ON
KlR 6G6
Islamic Foundation of Toronto
Nugget Avenue 441
Scarborough, ON
M1S 5E1
La Corporation épiscopale catholique romaine de Grouard
AKA: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Grouard McLennan; St. Joseph’s Refugee Committee
A Street 100 – 8521
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 3C4
London North Park Community Church
Fanshawe Park Road E 1510
London, Ontario
N5X 4A3-
(Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council (Welcome Place
Bannatyne Street 521
Winnipeg, MB
R3A 0E4
Mennonite Central Committee Canada
Plaza Drive 134
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 5K9
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto
Simpson Avenue 115
Toronto, ON
M4K 1A1
Northwood Neighbourhood Services
2625A Weston Road
Building D – 2nd Floor, Unit 27
Toronto, ON
M9N 3V8
Oromo Refugees Resettlement Services Network
Main Street, Post Office Box 74065 3981
Vancouver, BC
V5V 5C8
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Milltower Court 2450
Mississagua, ON
L5N 5Z6
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton
c/o Catholic Social Services
St. NW 105 10709
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2X3
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
Robson Street 150
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2A7
Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal Corporation of Winnipeg
AKA: Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Pembina Highway 1495
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2C6
Roman Catholic Bishop of Diocese of Calgary
Avenue SW 500111111
Calgary, AB
T2R 0G5
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlottetown
P.O. Box 907
Charlottetowen, PE
C1A 7L9
Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough
Hunter Street W 350
P.O. Box 175, STN Main
Peterborough, ON
K9J 6Y8
Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay
Reaume Street 1222
P.O. Box 10400, STN P
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 6T8
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of London
P.O.. Box 1316, Station A, 1041 University Avenue West
London, ON
N9A 6R3
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of St. Catherines in Canada
Catholic Centre
P.O. Box 875, STN Main
St. Catharines, ON
L2R 6Z4
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto in Canada
(Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT
Old Kingston Road, Unit A 371
Scarborough, ON
M1C 3Y2
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax
Grafton Street 1531
P.O. Box 1527
Halifax, NS
B3J 2Y3
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Ottawa
Kilborn Place 1247
Ottawa, ON
K1H 6K9
Saint Maratken Community Society
Idylwyld Dr. N 1620
Saskatoon, SK
S7L 1B1
Saint Virgin Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church – Edmonton
Sherbrooke Avenue NW 13072
Edmonton, AB
T5L 4E9
Spiritans, the Congregation of the Holy Ghost
Collinsgrove Road 34
Scarborough, ON
M1E 3S4
Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land
AKA: Anglican Diocese of Rupert’s Land
Nesbitt Bay 935
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 1W6
Synod of the Diocese of Kootenay
Leathead Road 380 – #201
Kelowna, BC
V1X 2H8
Synod of the Diocese of Saskatoon
Avenue N 9 1403
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 2Z6
The Diocese of Qu’Appelle
College Avenue 1501
Regina, SK
S4P 1B8
The Free Methodist Church in Canada
Village Centre Court 4315
Mississagua, ON
L4Z 1S2
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland
Thorburn Road 57
Box 8895, Station A
St. John’s, NF
A1B 3T2-
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Wynford Drive 50
Toronto, ON
M36 1J7-
The Redeemed Christian Church of God Cornerstone Chapel – Moncton
York Street 11
Moncton, NB
E1C 2Y2-
The United Church of Canada
Bloor Street West # 300 3250
Etobicoke, ON
M8X 2Y4
Welfare Committee for the Assyrian Community in Canada
Albion Road, Suite 102 964
Etobicoke, ON
M9V 1A7
( (World Renew (formerly the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Canada (CRWRC
Mainway 3475
P.O. Box 5070, STN LCD 1
Burlington, ON
L7R 3Y8
(SRP) World University Service of Canada – Student Refugee Program
Scott Street 1404
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 4M8
اقرأ أيضا:
Posted: دجنبر 5, 2018
قرعة كندا 2019 ..عندما نتلفظ بعبارة الهجرة عن طريق اللوتري أو القرعة فإننا نفكر في القرعة الأمريكية مباشرة، لكن هناك من يتحدث عن القرعة الكندية ويريد أن يعرف عنها بعض المعلومات. في هذا المقال سنوضح للقارئ الكريم المسألة التي تثير ضجة حول العالم العربي ألا وهي مسألة القرعة الكندية، أو قرعة كندا 2019 . حقيقة …
Posted: فبراير 6, 2019
وفقاً لمؤسسة “World Peace Index” التي تحمل عنوان الرؤية الإنسانية ، فإن كندا ستكون الدولة الثامنة الأكثر سلماً وأمناً على هذا الكوكب. وبالفعل ، تقوم هذه المنظمة كل سنة بوضع قائمة بأكثر البلدان سلما وأمانا استنادا إلى 23 معيارا لتحديد ما إذا كانت دولة ما تعيش في سلام أم لا ، مثل معدل القتل ، …
Posted: يناير 16, 2018
تعتبر الجنسية الكندية من أفضل الجنسيات بالعلم و يسعى الكثير من الأفراد من العديد من دول العالم للحصول عليها نظراً لما بها من مميزات ، لذا فهناك العديد من المواطنين العرب يسعون للحصول على الجنسية الكندية ، سواء كان ذلك عن طريق الإنقتال للعيش داخل كندا أو عن طريق العمل أو اللجوء أو أياً كانت …